David Reichert

Global Business Development, Electronics and Imaging, Interconnect Solutions

Speaker: Closing Session: From the Outside Looking In: Industry 4.0 in Space

Dave Reichert executes global business development for DuPont’s Electronics and Imaging Interconnect Solutions defense segment. He is responsible for helping create the business unit growth strategy, identifying technology gap opportunities, and execution of top programs. Dave has 29 years of experience with DuPont, previously holding roles as a corrosion expert, fuel cell technology expert, fuel cell business leader, ballistics technology expert, and ballistics business development leader.
Dave holds a Ph.D. in Materials Science from the University of Virginia and has a B.S. in Chemical Engineering. He is a certified Project Management Professional and holds 5 patents from his corrosion, fuel cell and ballistics work. Dave was the leader of the team that won the US Army Million Dollar Fuel Cell Challenge sponsored by CERDEC. In his spare time, he enjoys playing volleyball, reading and traveling with his family.