Dr. Tanya Harrison

Director of Strategic Science Initiatives
Planet PBC

Presenter: The Emerging Role of Commercial Spaceflight in Earth Remote Sensing Science

Dr. Tanya Harrison calls herself a “Professional Martian,” having spent the last 13 years working as a scientist and in mission operations on multiple NASA Mars missions, including the Curiosity and Opportunity rovers. Her specialty lies in geomorphology: the study of a planet’s evolution based on its surface features. She holds a Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Western Ontario, a master’s in Earth and Environmental Sciences from Wesleyan University, and a B.Sc. in Astronomy and Physics from the University of Washington. Currently she is the Director of Strategic Science Initiatives at the Earth observation satellite imagery company Planet. Tanya is also an advocate for advancing the status of women in science and for accessibility in the geosciences. You can find her prolifically tweeting about Mars and space in general as @tanyaofmars.